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Nurture Nest Group Classes Code of Conduct


Our Mission


Nurture Nest provides art classes and art therapy sessions for you, your child or other family member. Through high-quality arts instruction and experiences in a safe and supported environment, where people are given the opportunity to grow, express themselves and develop their potential through connecting, creating, and learning.


Behaviour at a Nurture Nest Group Class


In accordance with the mission above, Nurture Nest encourages all members to exhibit positive behaviour. We seek to foster a climate of mutual respect where every person is valued and has the opportunity to be successful. It is imperative that our members understand these behavioural guidelines.


When our participants need support with behavioural issues at Nurture Nest, they should speak with a

trusted member of the Nurture Nest Staff and a trusted parent/guardian. Parents, volunteers,

and other staff should do the same if they witness or are privy to participants experiencing difficulties and requiring support.


Because the Nurture Nest community works together to provide a safe and inclusive climate

for everyone, the following behaviours displayed towards any participants will not be tolerated:


  • Any exclusion or discrimination displayed towards any person’s culture, disabilities,

  • ethnicity, gender or gender expression, neurodivergences, race, or religious or spiritual

  • beliefs

  • Bullying or harassment of any kind, including cyberbullying

  • This includes making defamatory statements on social media

  • Deliberately aggressive or defiant behaviour

  • Emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, and/or threats of abusive behaviour towards any

  • person

  • Gossip

  • Inappropriate language

  • Intentionally unkind, dishonest or sexual comments and/or behaviour

  • Possession or use of drugs and/or alcohol

  • Possession or use of weapons


If inappropriate behaviour is displayed by any individual, Nurture Nest will take decisive disciplinary action to respond to the situation. Depending on the severity of the behavioural issue, disciplinary action may include:

  • conversations to clarify Nurture Nest behavioural expectations

  • individual contracts put in place on a case-by-case basis

  • suspension

  • removal from the program


Nurture Nest Behavioural Agreement


Please consider the following statements before agreeing with this contract where indicated below.


I will do my best to represent and uphold the goals of safety, inclusivity, and excellence outlined in the Nurture Nest mission.


I acknowledge that negative behaviour is not acceptable at Nurture Nest, and I will not engage in these behaviours while actively participating in a Nurture Nest program.

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